DDR is the brainchild of Charles F. Gammie, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).
DDR website design and maintenance accomplished by Conley "Lee" Ditsworth , undergraduate in Engineering Physics at UIUC (bio).
The One-Dimensional Hydrodynamics simulator was created by Lee Ditsworth as part of the summer 2002 UIUC Physics Department's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.
The Stellar Structure and Evolution simulator was created by Jake Simon, undergraduate in LAS Physics (bio), and Charles Hansen , undergraduate in Engineering Physics (bio from 2003 REU), as part of the summer 2002 REU program.
The Thin Disk Galaxy Dynamics simulator was created by UIUC undergraduate physics students Scott Olsson and Geert F Vrijsen as part of the summer 2001 REU program.
The Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamics simulator was created by Dr. Gammie as a hobby to occupy his spare time.