Digital Demo Room - Stellar Structure and Evolution Simulator
You have input the following parameters
| Mass: | 13.443383495987064 |
| Metallicity: | 0.0296 |
| Evolution Tracks: | off |
Highest Mass: 13.443383495987064 Solar Masses Lowest Mass: 13.443383495987064 Solar Masses
Beginning Time: 0.0 MYears End Time:
19.3 MYears Timestep: 0.039
Calculating Star Data ...
Below is a summary for each star that will be
in your simulation. The summaries consider
all stars started at time zero.
Star number: 1
Main sequence Star Time 0.0 Mass 13.443
Hertzsprung Gap Time 14.2 Mass 13.108
Giant Branch Time 14.2 Mass 13.102
Core Helium Burning Time 14.2 Mass 13.100
First AGB Time 15.8 Mass 11.559
Neutron Star Time 15.9 Mass 1.425
Neutron Star Time 19.3 Mass 1.425
Creating Movie ...
The movie is being made from a data file of
luminosities and temperatures of simulated stars.
Data File: Click
(~ 15 KB)
Estimated Time to Completion:  ~ 1 minute, 20 seconds
The simulation took 3 seconds to be created.
View Movie Here
If the movie does not finish playing properly, try
downloading the
movie onto your computer and
playing from there instead of from the server.
If that doesn't work, try a different video player.
Note that we have seen some problems with
Windows Media Player completing the movies
when the movies are played from the server.